Focus-area: Climate resilience & sustainability
Guideline 2: Monitoring of temperature effects
This guideline assesses the hypothesis that urban agriculture and forestry will reduce the urban heat island effect and contribute to energy savings.
Guideline 1: Monitoring of runoff and infiltration of storm water
This manual proposes a methodology to relate scenarios of urban land use (like an increase of green areas) to changes in runoff and flood risk.
Policy brief: Integrating urban agriculture and forestry into climate change action plans
This policy brief highlights how Sri Lanka develops urban and peri-urban agriculture and forestry as a city and provincial climate change strategy.
Urban Agriculture Magazine no. 27 – Climate change and disaster risk reduction
This Urban Agriculture Magazine explores how urban agriculture can offer mitigation and adaptation strategies to cities dealing with climate change.
Rooftop gardening in Kathmandu, Nepal
This video shows the results of the rooftop gardening project that was implemented by the NGO ENPHO in close collaboration with Kathmandu Municipality and with technical support of RUAF Foundation in the context of the broader project undertaken by these organisations together with UN Habitat aiming at the integration of (intra- and peri-) urban agriculture…
Rooftop Agriculture – A climate change perspective
Rooftop agriculture is the production of fresh vegetables, herbs, fruits, edible flowers and possibly some small animals on rooftops for local consumption.
Urban Agriculture Magazine no. 22 – Building Resilient Cities
The magazine addresses questions such as how urban agriculture can combat the negative impacts of rapidly rising food prices, how it can reduce a city’s ecological footprint and its role in adaptation to the effects of climate change, what should be the role of policies and institutions in the building of resilient cities.
Urban Agriculture Magazine no. 21 – Linking Relief, Rehabilitation and Development
In this issue we focus on the role urban agriculture plays in linking relief, rehabilitation and development following a disaster or in emergency situations. Different types of disasters and resulting impacts are discussed and illustrated by articles in this magazine.
Urban Agriculture Magazine no. 15 – Multiple Functions of Urban Agriculture
This Urban Agriculture Magazine presents different functions of urban agriculture and how to value against the cost of the food system or urban land uses.
Urban Agriculture Magazine no. 13 – Trees and Cities Growing Together
The experiences described in this Urban Agriculture Magazine show the importance of urban and periurban forestry for sustainable urban development.