This methodological guideline on monitoring of temperature effects provides measurement, quantification and monitoring methods to assess the hypothesis that current and increased Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture and Forestry (UPAF) areas will reduce the urban heat island effect and contribute to energy savings.
Specifically, this manual will provide the methods to:
- Identify and map representative UPAF and non-UPAF areas/types in the study city
- Measure urban temperatures and humidity for these representative areas
- Calculate degree days, thermal comfort and related energy use
- Develop future temperature and land use scenarios in order to guide urban development policies and planning.
Other methodological guidelines in the series Monitoring impacts of urban and peri-urban agriculture and forestry on climate change mitigation and adaptation are:
Guideline 1: Monitoring of runoff and infiltration of storm water
Guideline 3: Calculating climate change related indicators of urban/regional food production and consumption