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  • City Region Food Systems Assessment and Planning Handbook and online toolkit 

    The City Region Food Systems (CRFS) Handbook sets out a clear and systematic process for conducting rapid and in-depth assessments of the sustainability and resilience of a CRFS and developing an evidence-based action plan, in five modules. The process is underpinned by multi-stakeholder working, and makes use of outcomes-based indicators. The Handbook is supplemented by […]

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  • The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) Monitoring Framework Handbook and Resource Pack

    The new Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) Monitoring Framework Handbook and Resource Pack, developed by RUAF and FAO and launched with MUFPP Secretariat, offers a set of tools and resources that help any city in the world to develop a way of measuring progress of their own priorities against clear baselines. It provides practical […]

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  • City Region Food System Toolkit (2015-2017)

    This City Region Food System (CRFS) toolkit provides guidance on how to assess and build sustainable city region food systems. It includes support material on how to: define and map your city region; collect data on your city region food system; gather and analyse information on different CRFS components and sustainability dimensions through both rapid […]

    • Type: pdf