Philip Amoah is an expert in urban agriculture and in water quality and food safety. He has worked with RUAF for over two decades. In 2001, Philip became involved in several research projects of the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) related to environmental and human health with a focus on microbiological water quality and food safety. He took over leadership of the SaniPath project for IWMI (coordinated by Emory, USA) which assessed faecal exposure pathways in low-income urban settings. Philip was a member of WHO Water Quality Technical Advisory Group that contributed to preparation of new Editions of three WHO guidelines. He was an Africa representative of the UN FAO/WHO Expert Group on leafy green vegetables and herbs for CODEX ALIMENTARIUS in 2007/2008, and a member of the UN FAO/WHO Expert Group on microbiological hazards associated with fresh produce for CODEX ALIMENTARIUS between 2008 and 2010. Philip was a member of the ILSI Europe emerging issues task force, water and sanitation perspective from 2011 to 2014. Since 2008, Philip has led projects in the domains of safe wastewater irrigation in urban vegetable production and participatory knowledge management. He has also been a consultant in projects on urban food systems, and has led several resource recovery and reuse projects.
Philip Amoah
Philip Amoah
Expert in urban agriculture and in water quality and food safety
Philip Amoah is an expert in urban agriculture and in water quality and food safety. He has worked with RUAF for over two decades. In 2001, Philip became involved in several research projects of the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) related to environmental and human health with a focus on microbiological water quality and food safety. He took over leadership of the SaniPath project for IWMI (coordinated by Emory, USA) which assessed faecal exposure pathways in low-income urban settings. Philip was a member of WHO Water Quality Technical Advisory Group that contributed to preparation of new Editions of three WHO guidelines. He was an Africa representative of the UN FAO/WHO Expert Group on leafy green vegetables and herbs for CODEX ALIMENTARIUS in 2007/2008, and a member of the UN FAO/WHO Expert Group on microbiological hazards associated with fresh produce for CODEX ALIMENTARIUS between 2008 and 2010. Philip was a member of the ILSI Europe emerging issues task force, water and sanitation perspective from 2011 to 2014. Since 2008, Philip has led projects in the domains of safe wastewater irrigation in urban vegetable production and participatory knowledge management. He has also been a consultant in projects on urban food systems, and has led several resource recovery and reuse projects.