Resource-type: Publications
Comparando la produccion y transporte de vegetales hacia la ciudad de Rosario, Argentina
This publication (in Spanish), looks at fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, comparing the production and transport of vegetables to the city of Rosario, Argentina with local production.
Collaborative framework for food systems transformation
UN Environment Programme (UNEP) led the development of this publication in the context of the Sustainable Food Systems (SFS) Programme, with the objective of engaging and building capacity of governments and stakeholders to apply a food systems approach to their policies, programs, and strategies, in order to achieve sustainable food systems. It includes eight cases…
Gender and the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact Monitoring Framework Indicators
Food in urban areas has the potential to make cities more sustainable places. The Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) is one way that cities are working towards sustainable food system change at the local level. The pact was signed by more than 100 cities on October 15, 2015 in Milan, Italy. It has brought multiple…