post-type: Publications
Food Planning in Garden Cities: The Letchworth Legacy
This publication shows that Garden City principles related to land and community involvement and management, the involvement of private sectors, as well as the linking to other values in cities, and various tools and partnerships, are highly relevant today and may stimulate further thinking and development of sustainable city region food systems.
City Region Food System Fact Sheet Utrecht The Netherlands
Validating the City Region Food System Approach
This article offers a critical assessment of the evolving City Region Food Systems (CRFS) approach.
Resource recovery from waste: business models for energy, nutrient and water reuse in low- and middle-income countries
Humans generate millions of tons of waste every day. This waste is rich in water, nutrients, energy and organic compounds. Yet waste is not being managed in a way that permits us to derive value from its reuse, whilst millions of farmers struggle with depleted soils and lack of water. This book shows how Resource…
Policy brief: The role of private sector in city region food systems
The policy brief highlights six policy pointers on the role of the private sector in building more sustainable and resilient city region food systems.
Rooftop Urban Agriculture
This book guides architects, landscape designers, urban planners, agronomists and society on the implementation of sustainable rooftop farming projects. The interdisciplinary team of authors involved stresses the different approaches and the multi-faceted forms that rooftop farming may assume in any context. While rooftop farming experiences are sprouting all over the world the need for scientific…
CITYFOOD: Linking Cities on Urban Agriculture and Urban Food Systems
Cities present constraints but also opportunities for building sustainable urban food systems. They can preserve food diversity, stimulate food innovations (short supply chains, urban agriculture, new forms of supply procurement, etc.), and have the potential to optimize resource management, infrastructure and waste recycling. Examples of successful city food strategies include: Promoting and integrating urban agriculture…
CITYFOOD network brochure
The ICLEI-RUAF CITYFOOD network aims to accelerate local and regional government action on sustainable and resilient city-region food systems by combining networking with training, policy guidance and technical expertise.