Training and capacity building

Training and capacity building

We support local and subnational governments, urban producer organisations, NGOs, CBOs, research centres, and other stakeholders, with training, technical assistance, and capacity building to give them with the skills to strengthen social inclusion, equity, care of the environment and

agroecological practices through their own work. To do this, we develop training modules that support the use of our tools and methodologies, and run tailored training courses. Where possible, we adopt a ‘training-of-trainers’ approach, with each cohort of trainees then serving as champions or ambassadors pass on skills and knowledge to others within the community.

We also offer mentoring to specific stakeholders (e.g. marginalised groups, women entrepreneurs, youth) in food systems work. This can include building their confidence and capacity to participate in multistakeholder platforms, supporting them with business plans, ensuring they are aware of programme and funding opportunities, and have the capacity to apply.

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