Resource-type: Publications
Transforming Land, Transforming Lives – Greening Innovation and Urban Agriculture in the Context of Forced Displacement
This report details the vision, mission, strategies and tactics for how the Lemon Tree Trust will undertake greening innovation in refugee camps.
Foodsheds and City Region Food Systems in Two West African Cities
Scientific article on foodsheds and City Region Food Systems in two West African cities.
Policy brief: Urban agriculture as a climate change strategy
This policy brief provides examples from innovative policies and practices from various cities on urban agriculture as a climate change strategy.
City region food systems and food waste management
This publication documents 13 case studies from city regions which are developing food system projects, programmes, and policies related to food waste.
Private sector engagement in the city region food system in Rotterdam
This study on Rotterdam contributes to a better understanding of how different types of private sector players can shape a city region food system.
The role of private actors in the Quito Metropolitan District food system
This study on Quito (Ecuador) contributes to a better understanding of how different types of private sector players can shape a city region food system.
Enhancing climate resilience of Gorakhpur by buffering floods through climate-resilient peri-urban agriculture
The project “Enhancing climate resilience of Gorakhpur by buffering floods through climate-resilient peri-urban agriculture” is part of the Asian Cities Climate Change Resilience Network (ACCCRN). Funded by The Rockefeller Foundation, it was implemented by the Gorakhpur Environmental Action Group (GEAG) from June 2012 to May 2016 to demonstrate the importance of ecosystem services –such as…
Policy review for urban and peri-urban agriculture development in Namibia
This policy review for urban and peri-urban agriculture development describes policy gaps, constraints and opportunities in Namibia.