

Event: We feed the city

6 December 2019, Belgium

In 8 interactive workshops, you discover how Rikolto and its partners work towards a sustainable food transition, in cities around the globe. We travel from Leuven to Hanoi. From Quito to Arusha. From Solo to Tegucigalpa. Don’t expect a presentation of what Rikolto is doing! We especially want to stimulate discussions and get your ideas!

If you happen to be in Belgium, feel free to join us in this inspiring, interactive and memorable day!

How can we improve children’s health and nutrition at school? What role do food start-ups play in catalysing new food solutions? How can smallholder farmers get their products to city markets? How does food contribute to reducing cities’ greenhouse gas emissions? And what governance mechanisms can ensure that all actors are represented in cities’ food policies?

These are some of the questions that our speakers from Belgium, Honduras, Vietnam, Indonesia, Brazil, the Netherlands, the USA, Tanzania, Ecuador and more will try to answer based on their concrete experiences on the ground. The sessions will mix short presentations by experts with active discussions amongst participants. We want you to come and inspire us!

The day will start with 3 keynote speeches from Cecilia Marocchino (FAO), Mark Lundy (CIAT) and René van Veenhuizen (RUAF/Hivos) followed by the following break-out sessions in English:

  1. Leaving no one behind: socially and economically equitable food systems
  2. Healthy people and planet: promoting sustainable diets and nutrition among urban consumers
  3. Safe food for everyone! Building food safety management systems in the South
  4. Harnessing the power of inclusive business models to create closer rural-urban linkages
  5. Reducing cities’ carbon ‘foodprint’: a food system’s approach to cut down urban GHG emissions
  6. Participation in urban food planning: lessons and tools for participatory urban food governance
  7. Peer-to-peer learning: how can cities learn from each other?

You can find the full programme and register for free on the event’s webpage.