
Event: What will it take to transform power relations in urban and peri-urban food systems?

Date: October 15, 2021
Time: 9.30 am – 11.00 am CEST
Location: Virtual event.
Register: Register here. (CLOSED). The webinar recording is available here.

As a follow up to WLE, the One CGIAR recognises agriculture as not just rural, but as potentially viable and necessary in urban and peri-urban (UPU) spaces. CGIAR’s Water, Land and Ecosystems Research Program and RUAF Global Partnership argue that a focus on gender and inclusivity are key to enabling truly transformative reconfigurations of power relations in cities and UPU food systems.

The first part of the session will discuss key issues around inclusive urban spaces and the approaches, perspectives, policies that might allow more transformative food systems in predominantly unequal urban and peri-urban contexts. The second part will present three papers from the RUAF-WLE Urban Agriculture Magazine issue on Gender in Urban Food Systems. Finally, the session will propose ways forward to transform dominant discourses on UPU agri-food system design and interventions.