post-type: Blogs
RUAF Partners unpack issues of power and inclusion in multistakeholder processes
Multistakeholder processes are a recognised good practice for developing food systems actions and interventions.
Urban and peri-urban agriculture for resilient, sustainable and inclusive food systems
Side event during the 4th Global Conference of the Sustainable Food Systems Programme On 25 April 2023, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), RUAF Global Partnership on Sustainable Urban Agriculture and Food Systems, Rikolto, and United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) co-organized a side event during the 4th Global Conference of the Sustainable Food Systems Programme.…
Hivos and RUAF launch Urban Futures: youth action for inclusive, climate-resilient urban food systems
RUAF and Hivos are pleased to announce the launch of Urban Futures, a new global program working at the intersection of urban food systems, youth wellbeing, and climate action. Urban Futures will operate in intermediary cities in Colombia, Ecuador, Indonesia, Zambia and Zimbabwe, supporting local partners and especially young people to drive more inclusive, climate-resilient…
Fast and fair: Building climate justice in food systems
The world is changing fast. From climate, to pandemics, to inter-state conflict, numerous crises at the local, national and global scales are consequences of the disproportionate and unjust use of our planet’s resources, the unequal distribution of power, and the desire to put profits, economic growth and the interests of the wealthy ahead of human…
Climate resilient cities and inclusive urban food systems
While urban areas only account for two percent of the earth’s surface, they contain half of our planets’ people. By 2050 that will even be an estimated two-thirds. They already consume nearly 80 percent of global food and energy produced. Also they generate about 70 percent of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and global waste,…
Multi-stakeholder initiatives: RUAF’s experiences improving urban food systems
Because Hivos believes that sustainable change will only happen if people undertake concerted and collective action, we bring together all relevant stakeholders in effective multi-actor initiatives. They allow rightsholders and their organizations, government and business representatives, creatives and technologists to co-create fair and inclusive solutions to complex problems. Hivos’ collaboration with the RUAF Global Partnership…
From Barcelona to Glasgow: RUAF addresses climate resilience at MUFPP and COP26
The consequences of climate change are here. And we must act now. More sustainable and resilient food systems have the potential to address multiple challenges, and accelerate the implementation of several international agreements, including the New Urban Agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement. RUAF and partners work to transform urban agriculture and food systems in…
Why food is on the Climate Justice agenda
This article was originally published on Hivos. While the climate crisis poses a serious threat to global food security, the way we produce our food increases the pace and severity of climate change. But the consequences of these mutually reinforcing processes will be felt disproportionately by those least responsible for causing the problem: the urban…
High time for resilient agriculture and food systems in St. Vincent and the Grenadines
Author: Dr. Cheron Constance In St. Vincent and the Grenadines, a volcanic eruption that flattened the agricultural sector has given greater urgency and impetus to efforts to ‘build back better’ from the COVID-19 crisis. Cheron Constance explains the effect of the eruption and its aftermath on farmers. She argues that to build back better, there…