post-type: Blogs
Food systems governance must be a priority for African cities
Event report: Practical training in outcomes-based indicators at the World Urban Forum
A training event on outcomes-based indicators at World Urban Forum 12 led to participant pledges to encourage their cities to monitor the sustainability of their food systems, and strengthen collaboration and data-sharing between local government departments and non-governmental stakeholders.
RUAF at World Urban Forum 12
The World Urban Forum is the premier global conference on sustainable urbanization convened by UN-Habitat. It examines the most pressing issues facing he world today: rapid urbanization and its impact on communities, cities, economies, climate change and policies.
World Food Day 2024: Gaza’s women-led agribusinesses are a cornerstone of community food resilience
This World Food Day, RUAF shines a spotlight on community food resilience. We share the experiences of our colleagues at the Gaza Urban & Periurban Agriculture Platform (GUPAP), whose strong networks, forged over a decade, have been crucial in mitigating the emergency food situation since November 2023.
Urban Agriculture Magazine #41 identifies future pathways for policy and practice
The new issue of Urban Agriculture Magazine, published in partnership with the European Forum on Urban Agriculture (EFUA), showcases innovative actions, emerging policies, and unexplored angles that are shaping the future of food production in cities.
Formation of the RUAF Youth Working Group
The RUAF Global Partnership on Sustainable Urban Agriculture and Food Systems has formed the RUAF Youth Working Group, with the first two meetings supported by the Hivos-led Urban Futures programme.
Launch of Urban Agriculture Magazine 40: Pathways towards resilient urban food systems
The 40th issue of Urban Agriculture Magazine showcases innovative approaches, actions, and initiatives for strengthening all aspects of urban and city region food systems.
RUAF and EFUA expert discussions on urban agriculture
An online meeting series with a selection of non-European experiences was organized with a focus on global South / LDC experiences with UA policies.
Launch of the Urban Agriculture Magazine 39: Enabling Multiple Benefits of Urban Agriculture
The new issue of the Urban Agriculture Magazine explores the critical role of urban and periurban agriculture (UPA) in addressing global challenges and its multifunctional benefits beyond food production.
Launch of City Region Food Systems Assessment and Planning Handbook
RUAF is pleased to announce the launch of the City Region Food Systems (CRFS) Assessment and Planning Handbook and accompanying online toolkit.