This report provides a synthesis of the results achieved under the RUAF “From Seed to Table (FStT)” programme implemented by the RUAF Foundation with financial support of DGIS-MFS (under the name “Extension RUAF-CFF”) and IDRC (for the MENA region) and substantial own contributions of the RUAF partners and the collaborating organisations in the participating cities.
RUAF From Seed to Table Programme (FStT)
The RUAF-FStT programme builds on the RUAF-Cities Farming for the Future (CFF) programme (2005-2008) which was financially supported by DGIS-TMF and IDRC (capacity development component). RUAF-CFF focussed principally on capacity development on urban agriculture (training of regional trainers; training of staff of municipalities, universities and NGO’s) and facilitating multi-stakeholder policy making and action planning on urban agriculture in 21 cities in 17 partner countries in 7 regions, whilst strengthening and consolidating the regional RUAF resource centres.
In the RUAF- FStT programme the processes set in motion in the RUAF partner cities have been continued with a specific focus on strengthening of urban farmer organisations and capacity development regarding farming systems innovation, micro-enterprise development (in production and processing) and marketing (value chain development). The FStT programme was implemented in 17 cities in 17 partner countries in 7 regions.
This report
The report was prepared by the RUAF-FStT programme coordinator on the basis of:
- The annual 2010 and final project reports by each of the RUAF partners.
- The results of the regional and global RUAF systematisation workshops conducted in 2011, during which regional and local RUAF partners reflected on progress made and results achieved.
- The observations of the programme coordinator.
The draft report was shared with and approved by all RUAF-partners.