Category: Uncategorized

  • RUAF at the World Urban Forum 11

    RUAF at the World Urban Forum 11

    RUAF, FAO and CGIAR are co-organising a networking session at the 11th World Urban Forum entitled “City region food systems: strengthening resilience against multiple shocks and stresses”.   Established in 2001 by the United Nations, the World Urban Forum (WUF) is the premier global conference on sustainable urbanisation. Co-organised by Poland’s Ministry of Development Funds…

  • Call for abstracts: Urban/Peri-Urban Agriculture and Forced Displacement

    Call for abstracts: Urban/Peri-Urban Agriculture and Forced Displacement

    Edited by Andrew Adam-Bradford, René van Veenhuizen, Isabela Vera, Mary Njenga, Joe Nasr | Proposed for the Springer Urban Agriculture Book Series   The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) estimates that globally there are now over 80 million forcibly displaced persons (FDPs), a term which includes refugees, internally displaced persons, and returnees. Concentrated in cities or…

  • Multi-stakeholder initiatives: RUAF’s experiences improving urban food systems

    Multi-stakeholder initiatives: RUAF’s experiences improving urban food systems

    Because Hivos believes that sustainable change will only happen if people undertake concerted and collective action, we bring together all relevant stakeholders in effective multi-actor initiatives. They allow rightsholders and their organizations, government and business representatives, creatives and technologists to co-create fair and inclusive solutions to complex problems. Hivos’ collaboration with the RUAF Global Partnership…

  • The critical role of urban, local and regional governments in resilient food systems and access to healthy and diverse diets for all

    The critical role of urban, local and regional governments in resilient food systems and access to healthy and diverse diets for all

    Date: Wednesday, 1 December 2021 Time: 14:00 – 16:00 CET Location: Online Webinar Register here.   The world is rapidly urbanizing. The evidence suggests that this is typically accompanied by a rapid urban ‘nutrition transition’, fueled by shifts in urban lifestyles and diets with resultant over- and under-nutrition, obesity and increased incidences of non-communicable diseases,…

  • Event: RUAF participates in the Resilience for the Urban Poor (RUP2021) Forum

    Event: RUAF participates in the Resilience for the Urban Poor (RUP2021) Forum

    Resilience Innovation 1 – The Role of Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture in Urban Resilience 17 November | 13.45-14.45 (Manila Time) Register here. Urban households predominantly depend on foods grown from rural and peri-urban areas. Urban agriculture is small-scale and informal, resulting in unstable production and inadequate to meet the growing demands. As a result, poor,…

  • Food and climate change: Key takeaways from RUAF’s side event at COP26

    Food and climate change: Key takeaways from RUAF’s side event at COP26

    You can find the recording and the presentations below.   On November 3, RUAF and Rikolto hosted the session ‘Resilience in practice: How cities are tackling climate change through inclusive food actions’, to discuss how cities are transforming their food systems to tackle the climate crisis and ensure social inclusion. The session was part of…

  • From Barcelona to Glasgow: RUAF addresses climate resilience at MUFPP and COP26

    From Barcelona to Glasgow: RUAF addresses climate resilience at MUFPP and COP26

    The consequences of climate change are here. And we must act now. More sustainable and resilient food systems have the potential to address multiple challenges, and accelerate the implementation of several international agreements, including the New Urban Agenda and the Paris Climate Agreement. RUAF and partners work to transform urban agriculture and food systems in…

  • Why food is on the Climate Justice agenda

    Why food is on the Climate Justice agenda

    This article was originally published on Hivos.  While the climate crisis poses a serious threat to global food security, the way we produce our food increases the pace and severity of climate change. But the consequences of these mutually reinforcing processes will be felt disproportionately by those least responsible for causing the problem: the urban…

  • RUAF at the 7th Global Forum of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) – Barcelona 2021

    RUAF at the 7th Global Forum of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) – Barcelona 2021

    The 7th Global Forum of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) will be held in Barcelona between October 19 and 21, 2021. The event will convene under the theme Growing Resilience: Sustainable Food to tackle the Climate Emergency and will be an excellent opportunity to (re)connect, exchange experiences, challenges, knowledge, and best practices, to inspire…

  • Event: What will it take to transform power relations in urban and peri-urban food systems?

    Event: What will it take to transform power relations in urban and peri-urban food systems?

    Date: October 15, 2021 Time: 9.30 am – 11.00 am CEST Location: Virtual event. Register: Register here. (CLOSED). The webinar recording is available here. As a follow up to WLE, the One CGIAR recognises agriculture as not just rural, but as potentially viable and necessary in urban and peri-urban (UPU) spaces. CGIAR’s Water, Land and…