Urban Agriculture Magazine no. 7 – Economic Aspects of Urban Agriculture

Urban agriculture provides multiple functions and benefits to urban dwellers and cities. Political support is growing but further research and financial support to urban agriculture is necessary. In this issue of the Urban Agriculture Magazine we focus on the analysis and understanding of the economics of urban agriculture, during periods of economic recession as well as in times of a well developing economy. The Economics of Urban Agriculture is a wide area of study. Various case studies are presented in this issue analysing factors as employment, income, contribution to household food and support in access to markets and credit, both at household and/or municipal level. Investment in and support to urban agriculture is touched upon in quite a number of articles. This important issue will be elaborated upon in the Urban Agriculture Magazine no. 9.

Also available in Portuguese, Spanish and French.


  1. Micro-Credit and Investment

  2. Income of Farming Systems Around Kumasi

  3. Municipal Strategies for the Primary Sector of the District of Moreno

  4. Urban Agriculture Project in the Conjunto Palmeira Slum

  5. The Economic Impact of Urban Agriculture on home gardeners in Ouagadougou

  6. Economic Impact of Using Low External Inputs in the Chinampa Periurban Agricultural System

  7. Private Investment in Urban Agriculture in Nairobi

  8. Can Urban Rooftop Microfarms be Profitable?

  9. Urban agriculture Impact: reduction of prices in Havana

  10. Different kind of Investments in Urban Agriculture: Kintyre Lake County and Musikavanhu Co-operative experiences

  11. Maximizing Private and Social Gains of Wastewater Agriculture in Haroonabad

  12. Trust Funds as Financing Mechanism for Participatory Urban Agriculture

  13. Costs and Benefits of Urban Agriculture in East London (a discussion paper)

Urban Agriculture Magazine no

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