Urban Agriculture Magazine no. 6 – Transition to Ecological Urban Agriculture

Ecological agriculture is seen as especially relevant to the urban setting. The introduction in rural settings of ecological practices is still debated, although it seems that the call for the coexistence of both conventional and ecological farming in an adequate mix seems to be the best option. This begs the question of whether similar arguments apply to the urban setting and which lessons can be learned for urban agriculture.

Ideas on ecological agriculture differ and various concepts exist. Its simplest definition is understood as an agricultural system that is based on ecological principles and applying ecological practices to maintain soil fertility, to manage crop and animal health, and to keep soil and water in a good condition. Others may give the simple explanation of it being agriculture without the use of chemical inputs (e.g., synthetic fertilisers, pesticides and herbicides, or hormones). Yet others see it as much more than that and, for instance, understand it as a vision on healthy products and as a way of life.

The discussion in this Urban Agriculture Magazine is not just about definitions, but focuses on the process of “ecologising” urban agriculture and its relevance for sustainable urban development.

Also available in Portuguese, Spanish and French.


  1. Organic Production, What is it?

  2. Biodiversity, Poverty and Urban Agriculture, in Latin America

  3. Selbsternte: a New Concept of Urban Organic Farming in Austria

  4. Integrating Ecological Practices into Urban Garden Management in Developing Countries

  5. Adoption of Sustainable Agricultural Technologies

  6. Campesino Experiences in Commercialisation, Organic Certification and Fair Trade

  7. The Living Garden : a Bio-intensive Approach to Urban Agriculture in Ethiopia

  8. Tackling Permaculture in the UK

  9. Community Backyard Farming in Cuba

  10. Perceptions of Organic Agriculture by Urban Vegetable Farmers and Consumers in Ghana

  11. Cuba’s Organic perspectives

  12. Organic Urban Agriculture in the City of Havana

  13. Training in Backyard Organic Vegetable Production in Michoacán, Mexico

  14. The Creation of Viable Rural-Urban Interfaces

  15. Learnings from the Cape Flats Townships, ecological micro-farming among the poor in Cape Town

  16. The Struggle for Sustainable Livelihood Gender and Organic Urban Agriculture in Valencia City, Philippines

  17. A Strategy for Local Development of Lower-Income Urban Sectors Organic Urban Agriculture in Rosario

  18. Urban Organic Farming at the University of Costa Rica

  19. Organic Waste at Low Cost: Dilemmas of a Transition Period

  20. Risk Reduction in Sewage Irrigated Farming Systems in Hubli-Dharwad, India

Urban Agriculture Magazine no

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