Agricultural activities within the city limits have existed since the first urban populations were established thousands of years ago. Yet only recently has urban agriculture become a systematic focus of research and development attention as its scale and importance in the urbanising world we live in become increasingly recognised. Urban agriculture has been recognised as a cross-sectoral issue that requires a multi-sectoral and multi-actor approach and active participation of the direct and indirect stakeholders in the planning and implementation of policies and action programmes. This requires the adaptation of the methods used in rural agricultural research and development for the specific urban conditions and to realise an innovative integration of these methods with the methods applied by urban managers and planners and other relevant disciplines.
This issue of the Urban Agriculture Magazine contains the synthesis papers produced by the six topic co-ordinators and selected contributions submitted to the editor and written for the expert workshop “Appropriate Methodologies for Urban Agriculture”.
Also available in Portuguese, Spanish and French.
- The Contribution of Research, a methodological review
- Gender Considerations for urban agriculture research
- TOPIC PAPER 1: Methodologies for Situation Analysis
- Rapid Visual Diagnosis Applied in Montevideo
- Commercial Horticulture, appraising the potential
- Women’s Involvement in Cape Town: a social development perspective
- TOPIC PAPER 2: A Framework for Facilitating Planning and Policy
- Participatory Planning in the City of Havana, Cuba
- Pollution Effects on Urban and Periurban Agriculture in India
- TOPIC PAPER 3: Technical Tools for Urban Land Use Planning
- Actor’s Interplay in Mexico City: the Compatibility Matrix applied
- Community Resources Management in Central Mindanao, Philippines
- TOPIC PAPER 4: Appropriate Methods for Technology Development
- The Network Approach; the production and consumption chain in Senegal
- Farmer Field Schools: an ideal method for urban agriculture?
- Identifying Priorities for Technology Development
- TOPIC PAPER 5: Monitoring and Evaluation
- Different Ways to Monitor urban and peri-urban agriculture in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
- Improving Food and Nutrition Security; homestead gardening in Bangladesh
- Assessing the Socio-Economic Impact
- The value of urban agriculture: the Contingent Valuation Method applied in Havana, Cuba
- TOPIC PAPER 6: Appropriate Methods for Micro Enterprise Development
- PROVE, Small Agricultural Production Verticalization Programme
- Quality and Quantity Demand for Vegetables, survey in a Philippine urban setting