A growing number of cities and regions are forming Food Policy Councils (FPCs) and similar groups known by other names, such as multi-stakeholder food forums/platforms, food policy networks, food boards, food coalitions, food partnerships, and food labs.
As the movement towards inclusive, multi-stakeholder food systems governance for cities and city regions gathers momentum, there is a pressing need to document and systematise experiences of city food systems governance from around the world.
In this issue of the UA Magazine, we explore the experiences of FPCs and similar entities, on their approach to inclusiveness, documented impacts, and challenges faced.
- Editorial – Food Policy Councils: Lessons on inclusiveness
- The Development of Food Policy Councils in North America
- Changes in the Organisational Structure of Food Policy Councils
- Food Policy Councils Finding Their Way to Financial Stability
- Forming a Habit of Measuring and Monitoring
- The Evolving Role of Food Policy Councils: Making the Shift from Policy to Critical Food Guidance
- Giving Youth a Seat at the Food Policy Table in Toronto
- A Hybrid Food Policy Board for the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area
- Local Food Strategies in Flanders
- Gent en Garde
- Leuven Food Connects’
- From Urban Gardens to the Agri-Food Pact of Quito
- Food Change Labs Transform Local Food Systems in Uganda and Zambia
- Designing Holistic Food Systems with Citizen Participation in Bolivia – Maria Teresa Nogales
Antananarivo Food Policy Council: Policy as practice
- Towards a Safe, Nourishing, Economic and Inclusive Food System for Arusha, based on Partnering
- The Prospects for Food Policy Councils in Portugal
- Nairobi and Environs Food Security, Agriculture and Livestock Forum
- What’s Cooking in Berlin’s Food Policy Kitchen?
- Food Policy Councils as Levers for Local Development in Italy
- How the Rio Local Food Policy Council is Implementing a National Policy on Food Security
- Strengthening an Alpine-Mediterranean Food System in the Mountains of South Tyrol
- The St Louis Food Policy Coalition: For a thriving, equitable, sustainable and local food system
- Good Food Greater Manchester: A city-regional strategic food partnership
- Further Reading
- Upcoming: Gender in Urban Food Systems