Urban agriculture can have positive and/or negative consequences for men and women. This will depend on the situation and conditions. Urban agriculture generally has a positive impact on household food security, and thus will be beneficial to women as they most often are responsible. This issue of Urban Agriculture Magazine takes a closer look, by exploring how urban agriculture relates to existing gender dynamics.
Regardless of whether men or women predominate in urban agriculture, it is important to focus research, policies and action planning on both men and women, and to emphasise differences between them, acknowledging the inherent diversity. These gendered insights will help shape appropriate and relevant interventions.
It is important to analyse the benefits of urban agriculture to households, especially to women, and compare them to alternative economic and social opportunities.
Also available in Portuguese and Spanish.
- Gender, Urban Agriculture and Politics – A Testimony
- Gendered Urban Agriculture in Greater Gaborone, Botswana
- Urban Agriculture in Rosario: an opportunity for gender equality
- Our Daily Realities: urban organic homegardens in Lima, Peru
- When the Women Decided to Work the Gardens
- Gender in Open-Space Irrigated Urban Vegetable Farming in Ghana
- Women in Urban Agriculture in West Africa
- Gender, Water and Urban Agriculture
- Building Women’s Capacities to Access Markets in the Periurban Interface
- Women and Periurban Agriculture in the Niayes Zone of Senegal
- Women in Senegalese Periurban Agriculture: the case of Touba Peycouck
- Gender Dimensions of Urban Commercial Farming in Lagos, Nigeria
- Integration of Gender in Municipal Policies: the case of urban agriculture in Port Harcourt in Nigeria
- Urban Livestock Production and Gender in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
- Gender Analysis of Urban Agriculture in Kampala, Uganda
- Gender and Access to Land for Urban Agriculture in Kampala, Uganda
- Urban and Periurban Agriculture in Namibia
- Gender Perspectives on Periurban Agriculture in Nepal
- Women Fishers in Periurban Kolkata
- Urban Agriculture, Household Organisation and Female Autonomy: A case study in southern Mexico City