The first part of this book contains 7 thematic articles highlighting specific aspects of urban agriculture and sustainable cities. These themes were presented at the International Conference on “Growing Cities, Growing Food, Urban Agriculture on the Policy Agenda” in October, 1999. DSE (Germany) in cooperation with Sida (Sweden) and CTA (Netherlands) organised the conference with technical support of GTZ and RUAF. ETC-RUAF edited this publication.
Thematic articles are:
- Urban agriculture: definitions, presence, potentials, risks
- Urban agriculture and sustainable cities
- Urban agriculture, food security, nutrition and health
- Urban agriculture, urban households and local economics
- Policy options for urban agriculture
- Institutional aspects of urban agriculture
- Integration of urban agriculture in urban policies
The second part of the book includes 16 case studies from cities in Africa, Latin America and Europe. Local RUAF partners prepared these case studies under coordination of RUAF member organisation ETC with funding of GTZ (Germany).
City case studies are: Accra, Cagayan de Oro, Cairo, Dakar, Dar es Salaam, Harare, Havana, Hubli-Dharwad, Jakarta, La Paz, Lima, London, Mexico City, Nairobi, Shanghai, Sofia.