This report was developed in the context of GouTer (Gouvernance territoriale des systèmes alimentaires). A 3-year (2016-2019) research-action project, winner of the “Innovative Food Systems” call for projects from the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation. Led by the International Urban Food Network (IUFN), in partnership with the Institute for Research and Debate on Governance (IRG), the RUAF Foundation, the Association of Regions of France (ARF) and the Association of Research and evaluation of innovative and social solutions (RESOLIS).
The project works with 4 French local and regional government administrations with the objective to strengthen food systems at territorial level. The collaboration takes place at different territorial governance levels: City scale (Lyon), Metropolitan area (Bordeaux), Landscape/ social-cultural area (Pays des Chateaux) and Provincial level (Región Centre).
The report includes the following city case studies:
- Bristol: Food system governance – participation, collaboration and communication
- Copenhagen: Connecting rural and urban food systems through public kitchens
- Ede: A comprehensive food vision
- Ghent: Proactive food policy making
- Malmö: Improving the quality and sustainability of public meals
- Barcelona: Llaurant Barcelona
- Lleida: Farmers’ nursery of RUFEA
- Madrid: Inclusive food policy development
- Pamplona-Iruña: Promoting food policy and public procurement at regional level
- Valencia: Building local food governance
- Vitoria-Gasteiz: Institutionalisation of citizen participation
- Zaragoza: Rehabilitation of the garden city.