Cities Farming for the Future Programme (CFF)
During the first phase of the RUAF programme (1999-2004) six regional resource centres on urban agriculture and global and regional information systems on urban agriculture were established. The RUAF partners facilitated information exchange, networking and enhanced policy awareness regarding urban agriculture and food security issues.
In the second phase of the RUAF programme (2006-2008), named “Cities Farming for the Future (CFF)”, the RUAF partners set out to make a contribution to urban poverty reduction, urban food security, improved urban environmental management, empowerment of urban farmers and participatory city governance by capacity development of local stakeholders in urban agriculture and facilitating participatory and multi-stakeholder policy formulation and action planning on urban agriculture, including safe reuse of urban organic wastes and wastewater, in 20 pilot cities and a large number of dissemination cities in 7 regions.
RUAF-CFF was implemented by the seven regional RUAF partners, in co-operation with local partners in the cities, in co-ordination with ETC-Urban Agriculture (Leusden, the Netherlands).
RUAF-CFF was co-funded by DGIS (the Netherlands) and IDRC (Canada) with substantial own contributions of the RUAF partners and the collaborating organisations in the participating cities.
This report
This report provides a synthesis of the main results achieved during the whole project period (2005-2008). The report was prepared by the RUAF-CFF programme coordinator on the basis of:
- The annual reports by each of the RUAF partners
- The results of the annual RUAF Programme Committee Meeting in February 2009, during which the RUAF partners reflected on progress made and results achieved.
- The results of the external Mid Term Review realised end 2007/early 2008
- The observations of the programme coordinator
The draft report was shared with all RUAF-partners and discussed in and approved by the Executive Board of the RUAF Foundation.