Category: Uncategorized

  • Webinar: Water, Migration and Rural Development

    Webinar: Water, Migration and Rural Development

    This article originally appeared on:  “The way we talk about migration has major sociopolitical impacts,” said IWMI researcher Liza Debevec in her opening remarks at the webinar, “Water, migration and rural-development: What do we know?” But migration from rural areas – an important and pressing topic – is not a new adaption strategy, she added.…

  • Cities, climate change and the food system of the majority

    Cities, climate change and the food system of the majority

    The 10th session of the World Urban Forum is underway, where innovative approaches to sustainable urbanisation are showing how we can achieve inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable cities. RUAF partners, including Hivos and FAO, are there to present ways of planning food systems in urban and peri-urban areas that emphasise systemic thinking and the importance…

  • World Urban Forum FAO-RUAF training event: Integrating food systems into local planning

    World Urban Forum FAO-RUAF training event: Integrating food systems into local planning

    Training Event: Integrating food systems into local planning 12 February 9-12 am, Room CS 7, Abu Dhabi Exhibition Center (ADNEC), Khaleej Al Arabi Street, Abu Dhabi, UAE FAO and RUAF Global Partnership organise a training session at the 10th session of the World Urban Forum, Abu Dhabi, 8-13 February 2020. Food governance mechanisms, already established in 400…

  • Join the OECD Roundtable on Circular Economy in Cities and Regions

    Join the OECD Roundtable on Circular Economy in Cities and Regions

    Cities use almost two-thirds of global energy and produce up to 80% of greenhouse gas emissions and 50% of global waste. The circular economy provides a policy response to cope with these challenges and is a driver for economic growth, jobs and environmental quality. Yet, there has been little policy research and attention on cities…

  • 1,000 entrepreneurs invited to the 2020 Sustainable City Summit

    1,000 entrepreneurs invited to the 2020 Sustainable City Summit

    The 28th edition of the Africa-France Summit on Sustainable Cities will take place 4-6 June 2020. On this occasion, France is offering 1000 young African entrepreneurs the opportunity to take part free of charge in the “City of Solutions” that will be held on the sidelines of this event. The young participants will have to…

  • Rising to the challenges of food insecurity: Initiatives in French cities

    Rising to the challenges of food insecurity: Initiatives in French cities

    France urbaine, the national network representing large French cities, has just released a new study entitled: “Rising to the challenges of food insecurity : initiatives in French cities”. This work follows the commitments adopted in February 2019 by 75 territories that are members of France urbaine: For a solidarity-based, responsible, sustainable food transition. France urbaine…

  • Planetary Health: solutions that balance human health and a healthy planet

    Planetary Health: solutions that balance human health and a healthy planet

    Planetary Health recognises novel solutions that balance the need for both human health and a healthy planet, implemented with the generous support of The Rockefeller Foundation. Narrated by Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Development Programme, it tells the story of the winners of the 2019 Momentum for Change Awards, in the Planetary Health…

  • RUAF Rooted in Cities: 20 years in urban agriculture and urban food systems

    RUAF Rooted in Cities: 20 years in urban agriculture and urban food systems

    Made with Visme Infographic Maker

  • The FoodTech Challenge: submit your innovative solution to address food security

    The FoodTech Challenge: submit your innovative solution to address food security

    The FoodTech Challenge is a global competition that seeks innovative solutions to address food security. The competition supports the United Arabic Emirates (UAE) commitment to providing its population with sufficient, safe and nutritious food. The competition invites applicants from all backgrounds to join. University students and early-stage start-ups with prior experience in urban farming are…

  • The Agrifood Pact of Quito: a citizens’ process

    The Agrifood Pact of Quito: a citizens’ process

    Despite their differences, those involved in the food system of the city of Quito are joining forces for the first time. The city depends heavily on imports from other regions because Quito produces only 5 percent of the food its population needs. The ideal is to have a solid food system with little waste, which…